What's Cheese Up To These Days?

2016 Wertle Dev Stream Appearance

URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLon-_pxM8Tyo2efDgJRYDc4dNboF_Zx4s/

In 2016, I made a surprise appearance during one of Wertle's (Lisa Brown) development streams on learning the Godot engine. I show up about 4:22 into the third part and hang around for some brainstorming as Wertle decides on what to make as her first Godot game.

At 12:52 in part three, I offer some thoughts on the way we talk and feel about new tech while still learning. "I know that whenever I'm learning a new tool, I moan and rant and get grumpy and that doesn't necessarily reflect how I feel about the experience as a whole, you know. It's a coping mechanism. So, even though you kind of go, 'Augh, the docs are useless,' You know, like there's still good stuff in there and it's still definitely more than northing." "You've worked in a studio before like, I assume you used custom tools and you know just how rough they get. So, this is already leaps and bounds beyond anything that you would find, generally, inside a game dev studio."

2012 Reclaim Your Game Interview

URL: http://www.reclaimyourgame.com/content.php/222-RYG-Interviews-Cheese

In 2012, I was interviewed by Martin Pham of Reclaim Your Game about my work with Humble Bundle statistics. This was easily the longest interview I've ever done, clocking in at over three hours (it was conducted as a live interview and transcribed for publishing). (Un?)Thankfully, the published interview is well truncated.

2008 iTWire Interview

URL: http://www.itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis/open-sauce/22491

In the leadup to the linux.conf.au 2009, I was interviewed by Sam Varghese for iTWire's Open Sauce column. It was probably the most unconventional interview I've ever done, with a combination of limited availability and a lack of information (I didn't have a site like this one around at the time to help give an idea of the sorts of things I've worked on) resulting in a large amount of stuff that I was expecting to be supporting/contextual statements ending up as quotes. That said, it's still an interesting read, if a little fatuitous ^_^
